Tuesday 14 December 2010

Exposición Inter-cambios. Isidro Ferrer en Granada

4th November - 21st November 2010
Amazing exhibition in Granada of some of the best digital art I have seen for a long time.

Esta muestra nace del deseo de crear una exposición que traspase el planteamiento convencional de una muestra monográfica: afanados en traer a Granada la particularidad de las obras de Isidro Ferrer, pero también interesados en plantear cómo sus obras actúan como referencia y repercuten en el trabajo y en la mirada de personas de diferentes ámbitos disciplinares y profesionales, concretamente en el ámbito del diseño y en el de la creación artística contemporánea.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Victoria and Albert Museum Quilts Exhibition

The photograph above is a sculpture by Andrea Schulewitz. I was a happy accident and I LOVE it, (very Joy Division). It has nothing to do with the exhibition below however.

I also went to see the quilts exhibition at the V&A too. Quilts 1700 – 2010 is a mesmerising collection of stitches, appliqué and patchwork beds galore. Once I had got over the poor lighting and the cold air jets (reasons explained to me patiently by my museums daughter) I settled down to ravish my eyes on this incredible collection.

I did have to read out several of the explanatory boards to those who hadn’t availed themselves of the audio kit available at the door. I feel my Joyce Grenfell impersonation was better than anything on offer from the headsets quite frankly. And really the gathered gawping needed the stimulation because the dimmed lights and the dormitory of beds was enough to reduce even the most hardened exhibition go-er.