Saturday 24 January 2009

Hilary Evershed at the Ox Market

The big cat goes to the Chichester Ox Market Gallery and the word that came to mind when I walked into Hilary Evershed’s exhibition was; astonishing. This collection of work is positively drenched in emotion and it pours out of the lush pigments as if Nurse Hilary has fixed you with an intravenous drip of love right into your dorsal vein. She describes her work as art from the heart, and it is. Does she realise how rare this kind of creativity is? In this small gallery area there are 100 paintings hung closely together, they give the feeling of being in a film just like freeze frames of the mind. They work in this collective group.
There is a lot to see here, once you have finished looking at the paintings there are the poems, after that there is the catalogue. Go and see this if you can, put by the time to do it justice it is a rare treat. Hilary’s web site has more information. The Ox Market Center of Arts is in St Andrews Court, off East Street, Chichester, West Sussex P019 1YH.

1 comment:

annie timothy said...

wow what strong and conpelling work.... love the palette